
Former: Primal Problems

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Former: Primal Problems

It came out of nowhere; though he emerged upon the hillsides staring in onto the other two factions pondering whether he should save them or not. he grunted and growled, narrowing his eyes as he stayed to silent. For the figure, that figure that emerged out of the shadows and chased after them. Seemly needing some food to feast upon, Spade knew he must act fast as he pondered long before hearing a voice. Emerging out through the fields, there he had saw some of the Forgotten members rushing in towards of his location as he sighed, he waited for them to come. But as a thought, he wondered about the beast that was sent out towards them. He growled, thinking back threatening the Deadeyes assuming that they were the ones who had done it. he alone doesn't know, he is an animal like everyone else. Although his thoughts were snapped, he raised his eyes up and saw that the Forgotten were approaching closer towards him. he had to make a final decision and he sticks with it. Raising his voice he shouted onto the other foxes before of him, he could had sworn that he had saw Koji grinning upon his face. For she knew to help others in need, Spade denied all that and growled motioning his paws towards the foxes as they rushes on in through the hills that he alone was standing on and dropped down sliding to the grounds below of him.

He growled as he ran, regrouping with his faction where Ziran and Anuva stared onto him. Their narrowed minded eyes lingered onto his eyes, as he growled onto them he shook his head and muttered "Don't kill them just yet, but to observed their direction and motives. As well as logic and reasoning behind every tactic, ""What used will that do?" Ziran asked, Spade smirked before eyeing Koji and Jyoti as they kept on running passed them. Until they were of earshot, Spade growled as he motioned the other two moving along with him as they reached the brown table with two lights, Spade responded to them "Not to worry, it will all make sense in the end." Although he wished he could accept those choices, as such he doesn't know the motives and reasoning behind the Forgotten nor would he be able to counter then if the time arises. Despite this, he decided to join along with tem in the run as he clattered his paws upon the white bridge. Entering deeper as he stared in onto what was in front of him, he turned darting his eyes over to the corner of the building seeing the face of the monster that Deadeyes had unleashed. It was a woman, although it seems human. With yellow eyes implementing upon its face, there surrounding her was three other tentacles all bloodied making some gross towards his own. Although he had wished not to see anymore of the figure standing before of them, Ziran growled and grabbed him pulling him up towards the ladder as they climbed up above of it. Entering into the room inside, Ziran and Anuva soon met up with Misja and Kesa as Spade entered in last growling among the others, "Do you all know where-" "Yeah they went that way, we're all following the same route Spade." Ziran answered Spade as he nodded his head and glanced back upon the streets behind him.

Spade then turned to the other wolves growling as he spoke towards them, "We should go." "Following them?" Ziran asked while Kesa nodded her head "Yeah let's go," "Where are they headed? Where are headed?" Anuva asked, growling among the other two black wolves while Spade spoke out interrupting their conversation "We don't have any time, we have to leave now." There was silent, then Ziran nodded motioning the other wolves as they ran out the door. Running into the office room, Ziran lead the Corruption out towards the door and into of the outside of the building where the Forgotten was making their run. The Corruption grabbed hold upon the white cold metal rods and dropped down from a high place landing down with their knees bend Spade then walked up towards Koji and to the others. Where Koji turned her attention towards them and frowned, "Where is she?" "Still by the opposing side of the building we got some time." "We don't." Jyoti responded with a growl as he alone stepped in between of the two animals staring down against one another. Koji and Spade turned to Jyoti then onto one another, long before turning back towards the horizon standing before of them. Spade growled as he narrowed his eyes, pondering still if the Deadeyes had something to do with this. As such, he wanted to see the Deadeyes suffer for their mistake to lead such a fool into bringing their opponents into an false gem. However, knowing for the Deadeyes' crafty he knew he needed some alliances to bring them down. While he pondered, he heard some shouts while Koji and the Forgotten retreated further in towards the corner of the building and passed it as well. Disappearing on the opposing side as they left the Corruption to their own, Spade growled but sighed as he does. Ziran was shouting something behind of him as he glanced towards him then raising his eyes up upon the door's opening he gasped. There she was standing in front of them with that smirking smile.

Thrusting three vines straight onto them, Spade shouted out towards his fellow allies "Go! Run!" he snarled, giving in onto the head start. He growled, he panted for he doesn't know how long had he ran whether he knew about the female's appearance behind of them. As he heard shouts emerging behind of him, he kept on running ahead being the coward he was. He knew this would be the right decision as he set his eyes staring upon the corner of the building then turned the corner of it running straight towards the short narrowed pathway. For upon reaching the end, Spade and Ziran turned to Anuva and Misja who said nothing as they regroup upon the corner of the building. Spade saw that no one was dead and he was relieved by this but with the female human on their tail he knew that the chase wasn't over. He glanced upon the others long before motioning them to come with him, starting off their run from the end of the shorten narrowed pathway they've crossed the street on the opposing side and entered into the building crashing well onto the glasses. Where they pant in silence, heaving upon their organs as Ziran growled towards Spade who had yet shook his head in silence, "Come one we have to meet the Forgotten at some point in this abandoned town." "But where would we find them?" Ziran asked, while Misja spoke out towards them, pointing in onto the door ahead of them Spade grinned and motioned them again running through upon the opened door.

Entering into another room, he had seen that the light was on. He saw that there was a white table in front of him and on the opposing side stood a narrowed pathway leading into the kitchen room. As he blinked, he turned towards Ziran and Anuva who growled running in onto the pathway towards the kitchen room. Spade and Misja soon followed in after. They've ran for almost throughout the entire town, having found not even once of the Forgotten  as though they would had been eaten alive by the monster itself. Spade knew that wasn't even possible as he kept on running then found himself in the kitchen. There was a sink, running in some blood of water. Wetting the floor, Spade nearly slipped against the grounds below of him as he caught himself with the tabletop. he sighed, shaking his head. He raises his eyes up upon the horizon standing before of him, while he wondered he had saw that the kitchen was abandoned and dark. The lights were shattered and broken, as though with the water combine it could catch on fire. he didn't want this but he kept on moving. Slowly as he would, he threw his free paw over upon the other side snatching the edge of the tabletop while he slowly made his way over until his paws nearly met with one another. he sighed, it was going to be a long one.

Despite of this, he glanced about wondering where the others were. He had noticed in the brick of his eye that Ziran was standing there on the opposing side of the tabletop snatching upon the walls of it holding in for dear life. Spade growled and shouted in towards the red black wolf as he perked his ears and turned his attention towards him howling in silence, Spade howled in recognition before instructing him, "Go and move yourself upon the center of the table top and the kitchen; from there let yourself go." "Why?" He answered, "Trust me." he narrowed and Ziran did as he was told. Spade watches him move straight towards the middle of the tabletop frowning with fear in his eyes, he trusted his partner and leader while he made himself in onto the middle. Glancing around, Ziran then spoke towards Spade who grinned meeting up with him as well then pointing in onto the darken farthest door beyond of them, he growled shouting "Now." They both released their paws from the tabletop they threw themselves down onto the path of the darken doors before of him as Spade heard yells emerging into his ears and they both disappeared well into the silence.

Chapter 2: 

"Spade, is that you?" A voice called out into the darkness, Spade's eyes opened slowly as he groaned yet onto himself. Still wondering as to where he was at, he rose himself up from the ground he was sleeping in and glanced about. They were in some kind of store, where items were abandoned and stock upon the shelves. As Spade saw them, he shook his head and asked the voice, "Where are we?" "We're in the store, Spade. I am glad that you are safe." "me safe?" Spade asked, blinking he hadn't been well from his eyesight having to be drowned by the waters where he was last in. Shaking his head, he frowned, as he got up but felt that his legs were weak he fell down onto the ground once more. His head wacked against the counter ahead of him,  "Stay still why don't you." "Where's my team?" he answered, "They're out front, guarding the place down." The voice spoke, saw a bit of yellow fur gushing out from his corner as he blinked and raised his eyes up upon whoever was helping him. "Koji? is that you," "yeah," Koji responded with a smile. Spade grinned moments later and drifted off to sleep, "We're losing him right now!" Someone else shouted as he fell asleep; his body unconscious as he closed his eyes. His tail dropped to the side and he fell down onto the ground, no resisting against his own while Koji and Pyrail grabbed him pulling him in onto the opened door on the right side of them. They took him into the light and have him stay put there as they worked things out.

Spade then woke up, and looked around once more. Spotting that he was in a lit room he got walked around. His dizziness hadn't emerged up upon him and his legs were strong as if he could run; he grinned in the silence of this. However, throwing his eyes upon the counter desk he spotted his headband. A bright blue headband with a strange symbol upon of it as he grabbed hold, raised it onto his neck and tied it down. Long before glancing off upon the store's main room where the other black wolves and foxes were located. He walked in out from his spot as he waved in onto the other black wolves however, only Ziran took noticed and grinned upon him. Running up to him, he grabbed him and grinned having to be happy that he was here alive and well. Spade still wondered what had happen as he turned his attention towards the windows and the outer skirts of the store itself. he realized then that it was midnight, he gasped upon this long before looking at Koji and Pyrail as Jyoti tapped his shoulder and responded to his silence, "I'm sure you're wondering as to why you're taken here, am I not wrong?" he nodded, confirming it. Jyoti grinned and spoke some more, "The Forgotten are trying to figure out where the Deadeyes are located, as such we are lead to believed-" "That they are the ones behind it, the attack and everything." Spade growled, interrupting Jyoti as he grinned some more. He soon clapped his paws and laughed much to the discomfort of Koji Pyrail, Ziran and Spade as he coughed moments later and asked, "Do you know where he is now?" "No," Jyoti said, "But there's some good news however." He piped Spade smiled crossing his arms, "We're in an temporary alliance against Deadeyes."

Spade smiled for almost a good second, as he turned his attention towards Jyoti and Koji who grinned on back towards him. For he knew he had made a good decision, he sighed relieved that they would accept them as a former ally to combat against the Deadeyes after their troubles and pranks. Seeing this as an opportunity, Spade decided to form a plan together with his faction as he howled for the other black wolves to come towards him and they did as well. Ziran, Anuva and Misja turned their attention towards him while he narrowed his eyes towards them and spoke, "We are in an alliance with the other faction. As such, both of us will be devoting our resources towards combating against the Deadeyes hoping for them to give up their ways." "What about the female breeder?" Ziran asked, Spade nodded his head, "We'll deal with her later, for now our focus shall be the Deadeyes." He proposed glancing upon the others as they stayed to silence. Neither of them had any idea it seems, this only made Spade angrily some more as he narrowed his eyes straight upon them they whistled at the result while he groaned slapping his forehead with his paw. "This is going to be a long one..." he muttered to himself, as he growled upon the others and they turning to him stopping themselves as they jolted into position and glanced at him. For a few moments, they began to speak well into the midnight hour perhaps as Spade had realized glancing upon the clock. But, when they've got one the meeting was soon over and Spade satisfied began to grin towards them.

For in a few moments, Spade raises his eyes up from the meeting just as it was adjourn for the time being. With the remaining members escaping from the meeting spot glancing often upon one another in silence, Spade walked on over towards Jyoti and Koji coughing as he spoke getting their attention. "I'm going to need you two to help me out." "What is it?" Koji asked, feeling the wind blew against their furs as Spade took a deep breath and smiled. Witnessing the breezy air surrounding him, he turned his attention towards the pair and responded towards them "There's this plan that we had agreed upon, and so if you guys could." "Just tell us what we need to do," Jyoti narrowed, Spade was taken back. He had never been talked back before and not before of any other animal he had met. Sighing and calming himself down, a thought formed into his mind as he grinned "I see why the Deadeyes hated them." He thought before nodding his head, "Alright, the real gem is located over there. Inside of that church lights that's closer to where we are right now. The Deadeyes as we had believed have made their stand there guarding the last gem of this place." "So you want us to what? Steal the gem from them," Koji asked Spade shook his head "Yes; I'll go along with you however the members of Corruption and Forgotten will stay behind and fight against the hostile faction's members until we met up with Raven himself."

"And then what?" Koji answered, however Spade grinned in silence as he eyed her for a moment before looking away towards Jyoti who said nothing in response to her. She rose her paw and spoke pointing it upon Koji herself again "You and me will be fighting him; but only one of us needs to touch the gem to win the game." At this Koji grinned, for Spade knew that the two factions had been fighting each other for a long time. Perhaps even to its starting times, he doesn't know but to end the games here and then he'll had to join up with Koji to fight against Spade. For who knows, maybe he'll be able to kill him or take him captive. Les it be that Forgotten betrayed them and kills him off as well. he shutters at the thought of it and stared off upon Koji and Jyoti while he sighed and nodded his head, "Alright, we don't have enough time. So get your faction ready and meet me up upon the entrance of the church." Both foxes nodded rushing in passed him. Disappearing into the door itself, he turned his head staring in onto the church frowning yet to his own silence. Whatever happens in the future determines what happens now, this was always his motto he knew it himself. As he sighed, he shook his head and frowned long before turning back to where Ziran and Anuva stared upon him he grunted knowing that they were spying on him. So, he walked to them calmly as possible before whispering then the Forgotten's cooperation. For at this Ziran snarled but Anuva calmed him down.

"You cannot be serious with this plan Spade, what if Forgotten betrays us?" "There's always a reason and a risk, Ziran." Spade snarled, "You know this yourself." "Fine," Ziran snarled turning back towards the counter where the Forgotten was gathering themselves chatting among them. With constants looks towards the opposing faction, Spade knew that Ziran couldn't believed it neither can he. Despite with his rivalry of the Forgotten, he went along with the plan and motioned his faction to do the same. With repeated roars, the Corruption emerged from the store rushing in through the brick of the night. Rushing on towards the streets before of them and stopping once as they reached the entrance of the Church. Surprise was on their side, Spade knew it himself. As he motioned in Anuva and Misja who nodded their heads as they grabbed hold upon the edges. Forgotten emerged soon afterwards rushing in besides Corruption while Koji whispered motioning to Jyoti and Neo to move in from the opposing side. With four animals crisscrossing one another, the rest of the members stayed to silence. It was a do or die situation, Spade knew it himself. Having experience to fight against the Deadeyes, he narrowed his eyes ash e does waiting calmly as he flicked his tail to the side. Awaiting for any reports from the four animals. The winds blew in the silence, howling among their ears as the moon was high above of them. No clouds were there, Spade had saw although he was looking at the ground his ears flickered in the night as he heard something faint beeping along the way. For he alone stopped cold as he gasped in silence, whispering onto the Forgotten Koji seems to noticed and took shelter running in retreating to the parking lot. The Forgotten fully retreated leaving the Corruptions to their own.

There was a soft beeping emerging into his ear, as he stopped he waited he wanted to know what that beeping was for? Was it for to tell his own location? He doesn't know the answer to the problem, but he does know that it may be useful in some assets. As he waited he slipped in through the entrance gates as his eyes suddenly went dark. He groaned, before spotting something blinking in front of him. It was a white stick with a red spark emerging at the end of it. Seemly it was dynamite but he wasn't sure himself, and with it he groaned before walking on ahead. He closed in onto the dynamite wanting to know why was it thrown or what was its purpose. He heard the faint beeping noise from the dynamite itself. Although he wasn't sure what to do with it, as he stopped suddenly looking down upon the device itself staying to silent before looking up towards the windows and doors staring down at him. He grabbed the white dynamite and threw it straight inside. Fitting into the hole of where the mirror had shattered, he waited wondering if it would explode however to his demised it wouldn't. As he waited for a few more seconds, he heard something out in the corner of his ear though he looked. The white dynamite fell into his arms again.

The noise distracted him, it seems to be some sort of shout or yell. He wasn't sure with himself, as Misja and Anuva turned their attention towards him wondering what he was going to do with a stick of dynamite. He turned to them shrugging in silence before raising his eyes up upon the window again, the red spark soon turned into smoke as if it alone was going to explode. He heard the same sound once again and blinked, flicking his tail as he turned over to it the Forgotten emerged soon after with Koji gasping in silence then running up towards him grabbing it and throwing it upon the window itself. However, it fell off from it again and into the arms of Spade as he frowned; Koji growled whispering in onto his ear for he nodded well into the silence before turning his attention towards the other window. There were two windows in the church; however only one of them was turned off for whatever reason. According to Koji, his ally, the window that went dark has no one inside of them. Let alone that no one was inside after all seeing this and the logic behind of it. he threw the stick into the window and watched as it crashes inside. he waited, a few more seconds before hearing another roar. Koji growled at Spade grabbing him by his arm as he gasped before pulling away from the church itself. Hiding in onto the corner of the grounds itself both Spade and Koji waited well into the silence as their hearts beat pounding inside of their chest. Spade wondered about the monster's roars and what would become of the church soon after. With the stick still inside the broken dark window after all;

  A sound or perhaps it was a rustled in the darkness. As Spade blinked he turned raising his attention towards the church above of him waiting in complete silence. His heart beats silently, he wanted to know what that stick had meant and what it means for the likes of whoever takes it. He shook his head growling as he muttered silently to himself, as Koji turned to him she smiled but Spade said nothing long afterwards as he stepped out into the moonlight and glanced about. It was silent, the steady sounds emerged onto his own ears as he had wondered what or where they were at the time. He frowned, perking his ears slightly he turned his attention towards Koji who said nothing on back prompting him to move on forward whether he likes it or not. He took a deep sigh; he heard many sounds before although he wasn't sure where or what it was at the time. It seems faint, but the ringing was still there this he knew it himself. Was he sure? he frowned at this before creeping on forward, glancing up upon the broken window on the opposing side of the church he stayed to silent and waited long before hearing something in the far distance. It almost felt like a roar somehow, as he gasped to himself he wanted to return back to the shadows itself. But his entire body didn't want him to; for he stood there anxious of what would happen to him. Even shivering silently as he turned his attention towards Koji who also heard the noise as well. Motioning back for him, Spade frowned and stepped on ahead then heard another howl as the beeping went louder. It seems to be coming from the darken room, he noticed although he knew he was the one who threw it in. He still wanted to know where it had landed.

Tempted by his sub consciousness, he crept along forward and grabbed the ladder before of him. Looking up, he took a deep sigh and narrowed his eyes. he thought he was stupid for a moment but he shook his head and raised himself up  from the ladder up upon of the rooftops of the church where the sounds of music was louder into his ear. He darted his eyes over to Koji who snarled, knowing this was a bad idea but tempted by his own, he skated on over towards the side looking in onto the dark room itself and gasped.

Chapter 3:

Inside the dark room, he frowned as he had saw it. Standing before of him was a gem and next to it was the stick that he had thrown. Growling to himself, he turned his attention towards Koji who cocked her head to the side now realizing that he was looking at her; she walked up towards him and whispered silently when she was nearing the ladders, "What's wrong?" She asked, Spade growled as he pointed to the window inside, "The gem and the stick are inside; however they are next to one another." he called out, Koji gasped as she widen her eyes. Surprised by the Deadeyes' move, she growled narrowing as she stared on in onto Spade himself then spoke in response towards him "You sure?" "Yes now com on we don't have enough time to work with." "Much much" Koji answered questioning him as he frowned again and gazed upon the moon. Seeing though that it was high enough in the midnight skies; to cause some kind of event something that he wasn't informed off. Though he wanted the gem for the Forgotten, he shook his head and glanced down upon her as she stayed to silent cocking her head to the side as she frowned, gazing upon him. Spade heard something in the far distance, although he wasn't sure of what it was he frowned. Then stepped on back crawling towards the darken window behind of him, he set his eyes upon the darken horizon and soon spotted something that was so familiar. Spade growled at Koji before speaking to her, "Here she comes, come on escaped and get away from here! There's no time left!" Koji frowned but nodded her head as she made her way towards the corner of the walls before of her disappearing in the silence, leaving him alone to his own demise. He turned, gazing upon the gem and sighed in silence.

He wondered how he was going to get it; let alone that it was standing in front of him staring tempting him to get it for his ally before the Deadeyes found out. Sometimes he had wondered if they had found out, let alone that they were the ones who set up these traps after all. Curious yet determined, he stepped forth behind the curtains and reached into the darken shadows where the light lit his way he could see the gem standing before of him. he crawled his way over, reaching in with each paw out. He had wanted the gem he knew it himself. As he grabbed it and grinned, before hearing a loud roar. Knowing there isn't any time left, he rushes forth towards the window before of him running as he make some more loud noises echoing in his ears. He kept on running, wanting to get to the window before of him. He threw himself out the window, shattering it even more as he had made a big hole in the center of the window. With shatter glass scattering before of him, he landed onto the ground groaning in silence as he frowned. His arm hurts but he was okay; for he alone had grabbed hold upon the gem he wanted. As he dashes down the hills, he heard a sound arousing through his ears. He frowned feeling the breath upon his shoulder he turned his attention towards the frontal gates and nearly screamed. He gasped instead, silence but astonished by how she was able to get here so fast. For in a surprising tone, he backed off his eyes kept upon the beast standing before of him as he shivered. His entire body falls apart upon the floor; for he growled in silence. He moaned and frowned, long before glancing over towards Koji who pointed in onto the entrance.

Spade then turned his attention towards the entrance and gasped. He scrambled to his feet, he felt the eyes of his enemy staring at him. "How did he get here so fast?" He wondered silently as he retreats back towards the wall behind him and hide. Knelling down to his feet, he watches as the beast stepped on forward straight onto him. His eyes set on killing him as Spade growled to himself, waiting patiently while he stared breathing in without hesitation as the cold breeze brushes against his fur he sighed and took a deep breath. Waiting for the beast, he narrowed his eyes as his tail flicked he grabbed hold upon his knife readying himself to kill it or at least wait until it moved somewhere else. For he was ready to kill the monster, having it lured in onto this particular spot. He grinned, his heart races underneath his fur as he waited. Breathing patiently, he watches as he heard flickering his ears the monster drew near. he poised himself, his paw gripping against the knife's handle as he threw himself out onto the monster's sight and raised his knife. Then stopped when hearing some kind of voice, he paused and glanced at his victim seeing it to be Ziran he frowned. Koji grinned moments later as she along with Jyoti rushes on ahead towards them grinning in silence; while Ziran hissed before pointing onto one of the mirrors assuming then that the monster had went into the window. Koji stepped forward denying everything. As she grinned, she pointed in onto Spade who frowned embarrassed to tell.


The same plot; this time told in the Corruption's point of view...

Reversing roles, the Corruption had one thing set on their minds. To kill Forgotten and torture Deadeyes for all that they had done. Therefore sending in their most prize possession, will they have a change of heart to protect their former teammates from the breeder or will it be the end of them, leaving Corruption as the winner?
© 2017 - 2024 Abradux
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